What are VET Student Loans?
In the onCourse context, VET Student Loans are a type of database export and reporting standard for students enrolled in courses for which they can apply for a government study loan.
VET Student Loans are available to assist eligible students studying approved Diploma level and above VET Qualifications to pay their tuition fees. Part, or all, of an eligible student’s tuition fees can be deferred into VET Student Loan, up to a capped amount. Some Government funded course fees can also be deferred under the VET Student Loan scheme.
An RTO needs to be pre-approved to offer VET Student Loans on some or all of their courses. If you are an approved RTO, onCourse Fee Help functions will enable you to meet your reporting and record keeping obligations.
Set your Fee Help Provider Code in the AVETMISS general preferences panel to export your VET Student Loan files with your code embedded.

Figure 481. Setting your Fee Help provider code
Updated 9 months ago