Class budget

Once you have defined the default pay rates for the various classifications of tutors you employ, you can use these to automatically add wages costs to your class budgets. You can do this by adding Tutors to classes, and then assigning the tutors to sessions. Classes and sessions can have multiple tutors.

If you add a tutor twice or more to assign them multiple tutor roles, each tutor role will be given a separate wage line in the budget. As you assign tutors to sessions, the budget numbers will update accordingly.

You can learn more about adding tutors to classes in our Classes section.


If you do not know who the individual tutor or tutors will be in advance to your class scheduling, we recommend you set up a tutor named something like 'To Be Advised' whom you can assign to classes. This will allow you take wages into account in your initial class budget and viability calculations. When you know the name of the individual who will be running the class you can replace TBA with the actual tutor, and make any changes to their pay rate as required.

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