Quality Indicator Reporting
All RTOs registered with ASQA must provide an annual summary report to ASQA of their performance against the learner engagement and employer satisfaction quality indicators. You are required to send a survey to every student who undertakes VET training with your college (the Learner Questionnaire), and to every employer with whom you conduct traineeships (the Employer Questionnaire). Read more on ASQA’s requirements
here. Remember that students and employers don’t have to complete these surveys, but you do need to send them out.
You will need to collate the responses and complete ASQA’s Quality Indicator annual summary report.
Using SurveyMonkey
SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool which can help you remove any paper from the survey process. SurveyMonkey has some pre-existing templates for the Questionnaires so you can get started very quickly. Set up a new account and then add them:
- Log in to SurveyMonkey
- While still logged into SurveyMonkey, click on links below
- https://www.surveymonkey.net/user/create-survey?template_id=873&survey_title=Learner%20Questionnaire[Learner
Questionnaire template] - https://www.surveymonkey.net/user/create-survey?template_id=874&survey_title=Employer%20Questionnaire[Employer
Questionnaire template]
There is no cost for copying these templates, and SurveyMonkey has some cheap or free plans, depending on your usage needs.
Other survey tools
You might also want to look at FormStack, Alchemer, Google Forms and wufoo forms as some other survey tools.
While you might need to create the survey yourself, each of these tools has some interesting strengths.
Sending survey links
There are two ways to send students a link to your survey automatically.
Integrated option
In this option, onCourse sends SurveyMonkey or Alchemer details of each student completing a VET course. The survey tool then sends out an invite to the student, with a link to the questionnaire.
The advantage of this approach is they you can log into your survey tool to see a list of all the students who have not yet responded. There are features there which allow you to send reminders. You’ll need a paid account with the survey tool and this option takes a bit more work to set up.
Information on how to link your onCourse to your Survey Provider Account in our External Integration chapter.
Email link to questionnaire
Alternatively you can just email the student a link to the questionnaire. This will work with any third party tool, but you will not easily be able to generate a list of students who have not completed the questionnaire. Mostly this doesn’t matter, because you only have to invite the student to complete, not ensure they respond.
Instructions for getting the SurveyMonkey link.
Instructions for getting the Alchmer link.
These links are then added to an email template that can be sent out to all completed students. The records of the emails will be stored in onCourse, while the Survey results will be stored on the third party tool.
Updated 9 months ago