Customising onCourse Websites

Your onCourse Website is designed to be extremely flexible, allowing you to implement almost any concept you create for your site. When you engage your graphic designer to work on your brand and website, you will want to make your onCourse website reflect your organisation at every level. That means not only skinning the site to reflect your colour and logo, but thinking about navigation, search and the overall user experience (UX). onCourse has been built with this in mind.

At the same time, we want to save you time and money by giving you many of the basic building blocks you need to create your site.

If you are after quick simple results, skip straight to stylesheets and focus on changing just the stylesheets to get the look you are after.A lot can be done with little effort in this way. If you want to make changes to the structure of the site itself, read onto templates for an understanding on how to change the html which makes up the site.

If you are not a web designer and reading this manual, you may find many of the concepts quite technical. Don’t worry: you can still edit content using the online CMS without understanding anything here. Your designer, or ish, will be able to work on the page design and create something into which you can drop your content.

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