onCourse Automations and Custom Workflow
onCourse has a powerful scripting engine which can be used to implement your own specific workflow rules into onCourse. This scripting engine is powered from the Automations section within the Automations window.
You can use automations to send emails or SMS, change records inside the system, integrate with third party tools such as analytics or mailing lists, export data to finance systems or your LMS. Automations allow your student management system to become a completely customisable tool with your business workflow engine built right into onCourse. You can create and update onCourse records on an event, send messages to key contacts when a record is created or changed, or automating the publishing, exporting or printing of data how and when you require it. Every script has a description field to help explain its purpose.
Scripting allows you to write directly to the database, calling your own program code that can automate almost any business practice you can imagine. Any database changes they attempt are subject to similar validation as data input manually.
Automations often work hand in hand with message templates, sending automated messages to onCourse contacts.
Updated 8 months ago