Creating a new quote

There are two main ways to create a new quote:

  1. From within the 'Invoices' window, click the + button, then click 'Create Quote'.
  2. Within the lead record, click the + button next to the 'Invoices' heading and a new quote will open in another window.

Link the quote to a lead and add a quote line, add a title if required, then click Save to save the quote.

title="Create Quote"

Figure 500. Click "Create Quote" to create a new quote.

Adding quote lines to a quote

To add a new quote line, within the quote record click the + button next to 'Quote Lines'.

Just like invoice lines, quote lines can be assigned to a specific account, have its own description, unit count and quantity, be assigned to an individual class budget or enrolment, and have a discount assigned to it as well.

You can add or remove as many quote lines to a quote as you need, but a quote must have at least one quote line in order to be saved.

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