The third rich text markup we should look at is {courses} This variation of the "course" code will display a List of courses within your content or "block"; and can be sorted dynamically by number of filters including; by start date; alphabetical listing, and others.
For example the Courses markup could be used if you wished to create a home page... or landing page that contained the most popular courses, alternatively Courses that were about to start through the coming week.
To do so, what you would need to do is open the relevant page - home page or other, and place the following rich text markup: (replace 'yourTopicsHere' with an appropriate list)
{courses tag:"/Subjects/Leisure/Arts" limit:"3" sort:"alphabetical" order:"asc" style:"titles"}
Defines the path to a tag. The full path to the tag must be specified. e.g. "/Subjects/Leisure/Arts". All courses with this tag will be displayed. If no tag is given then "/Subjects" is assumed by default.
If the parameter is true then it shows all tags.
If tag parameter is not defined then it uses "Subject" first layers tags.
default: false
The maximum amount of courses that will be shown. If no limit is defined, the default setting is that all valid entries are displayed.
[alphabetical, date, availability] Optional. What fields you can use to sort the courses;
alphabetical: course.name.
date: course.startDate
availability: course.availableEnrolmentPlaces
default: alphabetical
[asc, desc] Optional. ascending or descending order.
Default is ascending.
[titles, details] Optional. Which predefined template will be used to show every course:
titles: shows only name of course
details: shows full information about this course
default: details
Updated 9 months ago