CSWE courses, classes and outcomes
Setting up Certificate in Spoken and Written English (CSWE) courses
Some colleges who deliver CSWE courses run open English language programs at different levels, aligned to the levels available in the CSWE program. Students enrol in course that is of an appropriate level and when a class group is formed, the tutor then assess the students and selects appropriate units from the CSWE curriculum for them to work towards. Some students in a class group may be working towards a single unit, while others may be working towards multiple units. Some students may be fee paying, some may be funded under various government programs. Some students may enrol in a class two or three times before attempting assessment against a CSWE unit and some students may not wish to be assessed at all. All of these circumstances combined can make headaches for the English classes coordinator who both wants to make sure the students and tutors needs are met, as well as reporting accurate statistics for funding purposes.
Setting up the course
onCourse includes all the available TGA data relating to accredited courses and classes. Unfortunately, TGA isn’t able to provide details of accredited course modules, but for both the current and recently expired CSWE, we have built in all the modules to onCourse so you can select those you deliver.
If your college chooses different modules for each class, when you create a CSWE course, simply add the accredited course code to the VET page but leave the module list empty. If you always use the same modules, you can set up your CSWE course like any other VET course, with accredited course detail and modules.
If you do not set any modules in the course, student enrolling in CSWE linked classes will be given a VET-flagged but non accredited outcome, named whatever your course is named. You will override these outcomes later when you have the correct module information for each student.
Enrolling students in CSWE classes.
You can enrol students in CSWE classes like you would in any other program. It doesn’t matter if you mix AMEP, BACE and fee paying students together - the outcomes you set later on will separate them for AVETMISS purposes.
We realise many students attending CSWE classes may have enrolled in English classes at your college previously. Knowing the student language background, what classes they have attended, and what units they have completed will assist your tutors in selecting the best units for their current enrolment.
Once your students are enrolled and classes are ready to start you can print the Student Details Report from the class window, which will provide the tutors with the information listed above.
Setting CSWE outcomes.
Once your tutor has reported back to the college each of the outcomes attempted and/or achieved by each student in the class, you can enter the data into onCourse, ready for your AVETMISS exports.
Go to the enrolment window and search for all the students in the class group you wish to work with by conducting and advanced search on the course code and class code.
The outcome tab of each student’s enrolment will show a non-VET outcome. Open it and change it to the first CSWE outcome you wish to record. You can also set the funding source information in this window.
You can also add additional outcomes to the enrolment if a student has attempted more than one module during this class by clicking the plus sign.
If a student chooses not to be assessed against any outcomes, you either leave them with the VET flagged non-accredited outcome or choose a VET outcome and set it to 30 - Competency not achieved/fail or if you have documented evidence that they have refused assessment, yet successfully attended the class, you can set a suitable module outcome to 81 - Non-assessed enrolment - Satisfactorily completed
Updated 9 months ago