You may want to attach images and other files to courses, classes, sites, rooms and tutors and have them appear on the website. Just attach the file you want in onCourse via the Training > Documents menu item, click the '+' button and upload the file or image, mark it as 'Public' via the Access dropdown box and that file will be automatically transferred and attached to your site. These files will appear by default at the bottom of the relevant page.
So for instance, just attach a PDF to a course to have that document appear as a link at the bottom of the course description. Likewise, pictures will appear at the bottom of the page. If however you would like to position the image somewhere else (say, next to the relevant paragraph of text) you can do so with a special rich text entry called {image}.
{image name:"duck" align:"right" caption:"This is a duck"}
Optional. The name of the image. If this is not given and the id is also not given, then a random image is displayed from those linked to the relevant database object. For example, if the rich text is a course description, then the random image will be one of the images linked to that course; if the rich text is a tutor profile, then the random image will be chosen from those attached to the tutor.
Optional. If you know the internal reference of the binary image object, you can use that here instead of the name. If both id and name are passed, then the name will be ignored.
[left, right, center, centre] Optional. By default, images are left aligned.
Optional. If supplied, the image will be given this 'alt' tag which is mainly useful for accessibility purposes. That is, people with vision difficulties may have a screen reader which can read out the names of images. If this value is not supplied, the alt tag is set to the image name.
Optional. A caption to display under the image.
Optional. Specify the width of the image in pixels as it will display on the webpage. If not supplied, the image will display at its full size.
Optional. Specify the height of the image in pixels as it will display on the webpage. If not supplied, the image will display at its full size.
Optional. A CSS class will be added to this image for styling purposes.
Optional. If supplied, this image will be made an href link to the destination you specify.
Updated 8 months ago