Exporting VSL

The export process for VSL is very simple provided all your data has been entered correctly. Simply go to the Enrolments window in onCourse, highlight the enrolments you wish to export then click the cogwheel and select 'Execute script' > 'VSL Export'.

This will not only export the data, but will push it to the TCSI system for reporting.

Fields for export

The following fields are mapped for inclusion in the TCSI export:

VSL Data Elements - Student packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Student identification codeStudent numberContacts
Date of birthDate of birthContacts
Student family nameLast nameContacts
Student given name - firstFirst nameContacts
Student given name - othersMiddle nameContacts
Gender codeGenderContacts
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander CodeIndigenous StatusContacts
Country of birth codeCountry of BirthContacts
Language spoken at home codeLanguage spoken at homeContacts
Year left schoolAchieved in yearContacts
Level left schoolHighest school yearContacts
Term address country codeCountryContacts
Residential address country codeCountryContacts
Term address postcodePostcodeContacts
Residential address postcodePostcodeContacts
Residential address streetStreetContacts
Residential address suburbSuburbContacts
Residential address stateStateContacts
Tax file numberTax file numberContacts
CHESSNCommonwealth higher education support number (CHESSN)Contacts
Unique student identifierUnique Student Identifier (USI)Contacts
Disability codeDisability typeContacts
Citizen Resident CodeCitizenship StatusContacts

VSL Data Elements - Course packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Course codeCodeCourses
Course nameNameCourses
Course of study loadEquivalent full-time student loadCourses
Standard course durationAn aggregate of first class duration of all related coursesClasses
Course effective from dateDate of the earliest related classClasses
Course effective to dateDate of the last related classClasses

VSL Data Elements - Delivery location packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Delivery location codeSite IDSites
Campus effective from dateEarliest outcome start dateOutcomes
Delivery location street addressStreetSites
Delivery location suburbSuburbSites
Delivery location country codeCountrySites
Delivery location postcodePostcodeSites
Delivery location stateStateSites
Campus effective to date(optional field)N/A

VSL Data Elements - Disability packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Disability codeDisability typeContacts
Disability effective from dateEnrolment creation dateEnrolments
Disability effective to dateAlways 'null'N/A

VSL Data Elements - Citizenship packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Citizen resident codeCitizenship statusContacts
Citizenship effective from dateEnrolment creation dateEnrolments

VSL Data Elements - Citizenship packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Student resource key or Student identification codeStudent numberContacts
Course resource key or Course codeCourse codeCourses
Course of student commencement dateAn aggregate of first class duration of all related coursesClasses
Type of attendance codeType of attendanceClasses
Highest attainment codePrior educational achievementContacts
Study reason codeStudy reasonEnrolments
Labour force status codeEmployment categoryContacts
Course outcome codeDepends on enrolment status for parent course. 1 when enrolment completed. 2 when enrolment cancelled.Enrolments (not based on a single field, but enrolment status)
Course outcome date (required only if course completed)Last related outcome end dateOutcomes
Basis for admission codeBasis for admissionEnrolments
Credit used valueNULLN/A
Credit basis codeNULLN/A

VSL Data Elements - Basis for admission packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Basis for admission codeBasis for admissionEnrolments

VSL Data Elements - Course prior credit packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Credit used valueNULLN/A
Credit basis codeNULLN/A

VSL Data Elements - Unit enrolment packet

VSL Field NameonCourse Field NameonCourse Window
Course admission resource key or Unique course admission combinationCombination of student number, course code of the higher education related course and aggregated start/end dates of related higher education coursesContacts and Courses
Unit of Study codeCourse codeCourses
Delivery location resource key or Delivery location codeSite IDSites
Discipline codeField of educationUnits of Competency
Unit of study year-long indicatorIf End date - Start Date > 10 months then is true, otherwise falseClass start and end dates
Unit of study census dateCensus dateClasses
Unit of study commencement dateOutcome start dateOutcomes
Equivalent full-time student loadEquivalent full-time student loadCourses
Unit of study status code1 - If child course enrolment is cancelled 3 - If all outcomes in child course are successful (or no outcomes at all) and end date has passed, or 4 - None of the above are trueSet automatically
Unit of study outcome dateOutcome end dateOutcomes
Course assurance indicatorThis will always come out FalseN/A
Mode of attendance codeType of attendanceEnrolments
Student status codeDerived from fee help requested amount and funding contract code of the enrolmentEnrolments
Amount chargedRelated Invoice line amount including tax and discountsEnrolments
Amount paid upfrontRelated Invoice line amount including tax and discountsEnrolments
Loan feeLoan feeEnrolments
HELP loan amountFee HELP requestedEnrolments
Recognition of prior learning codeRPL IndicatorEnrolments
Remissions reason codeAlways NULLN/A

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