Exporting VSL
The export process for VSL is very simple provided all your data has been entered correctly. Simply go to the Enrolments window in onCourse, highlight the enrolments you wish to export then click the cogwheel and select 'Execute script' > 'VSL Export'.
This will not only export the data, but will push it to the TCSI system for reporting.
Fields for export
The following fields are mapped for inclusion in the TCSI export:
VSL Data Elements - Student packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Student identification code | Student number | Contacts |
Date of birth | Date of birth | Contacts |
Student family name | Last name | Contacts |
Student given name - first | First name | Contacts |
Student given name - others | Middle name | Contacts |
Gender code | Gender | Contacts |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Code | Indigenous Status | Contacts |
Country of birth code | Country of Birth | Contacts |
Language spoken at home code | Language spoken at home | Contacts |
Year left school | Achieved in year | Contacts |
Level left school | Highest school year | Contacts |
Term address country code | Country | Contacts |
Residential address country code | Country | Contacts |
Term address postcode | Postcode | Contacts |
Residential address postcode | Postcode | Contacts |
Residential address street | Street | Contacts |
Residential address suburb | Suburb | Contacts |
Residential address state | State | Contacts |
Tax file number | Tax file number | Contacts |
CHESSN | Commonwealth higher education support number (CHESSN) | Contacts |
Unique student identifier | Unique Student Identifier (USI) | Contacts |
Disability code | Disability type | Contacts |
Citizen Resident Code | Citizenship Status | Contacts |
VSL Data Elements - Course packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Course code | Code | Courses |
Course name | Name | Courses |
Course of study load | Equivalent full-time student load | Courses |
Standard course duration | An aggregate of first class duration of all related courses | Classes |
Course effective from date | Date of the earliest related class | Classes |
Course effective to date | Date of the last related class | Classes |
VSL Data Elements - Delivery location packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Delivery location code | Site ID | Sites |
Campus effective from date | Earliest outcome start date | Outcomes |
Delivery location street address | Street | Sites |
Delivery location suburb | Suburb | Sites |
Delivery location country code | Country | Sites |
Delivery location postcode | Postcode | Sites |
Delivery location state | State | Sites |
Campus effective to date | (optional field) | N/A |
VSL Data Elements - Disability packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Disability code | Disability type | Contacts |
Disability effective from date | Enrolment creation date | Enrolments |
Disability effective to date | Always 'null' | N/A |
VSL Data Elements - Citizenship packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Citizen resident code | Citizenship status | Contacts |
Citizenship effective from date | Enrolment creation date | Enrolments |
VSL Data Elements - Citizenship packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Student resource key or Student identification code | Student number | Contacts |
Course resource key or Course code | Course code | Courses |
Course of student commencement date | An aggregate of first class duration of all related courses | Classes |
Type of attendance code | Type of attendance | Classes |
Highest attainment code | Prior educational achievement | Contacts |
Study reason code | Study reason | Enrolments |
Labour force status code | Employment category | Contacts |
Course outcome code | Depends on enrolment status for parent course. 1 when enrolment completed. 2 when enrolment cancelled. | Enrolments (not based on a single field, but enrolment status) |
Course outcome date (required only if course completed) | Last related outcome end date | Outcomes |
Basis for admission code | Basis for admission | Enrolments |
Credit used value | NULL | N/A |
Credit basis code | NULL | N/A |
VSL Data Elements - Basis for admission packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Basis for admission code | Basis for admission | Enrolments |
VSL Data Elements - Course prior credit packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Credit used value | NULL | N/A |
Credit basis code | NULL | N/A |
VSL Data Elements - Unit enrolment packet
VSL Field Name | onCourse Field Name | onCourse Window |
Course admission resource key or Unique course admission combination | Combination of student number, course code of the higher education related course and aggregated start/end dates of related higher education courses | Contacts and Courses |
Unit of Study code | Course code | Courses |
Delivery location resource key or Delivery location code | Site ID | Sites |
Discipline code | Field of education | Units of Competency |
Unit of study year-long indicator | If End date - Start Date > 10 months then is true, otherwise false | Class start and end dates |
Unit of study census date | Census date | Classes |
Unit of study commencement date | Outcome start date | Outcomes |
Equivalent full-time student load | Equivalent full-time student load | Courses |
Unit of study status code | 1 - If child course enrolment is cancelled 3 - If all outcomes in child course are successful (or no outcomes at all) and end date has passed, or 4 - None of the above are true | Set automatically |
Unit of study outcome date | Outcome end date | Outcomes |
Course assurance indicator | This will always come out False | N/A |
Mode of attendance code | Type of attendance | Enrolments |
Student status code | Derived from fee help requested amount and funding contract code of the enrolment | Enrolments |
Amount charged | Related Invoice line amount including tax and discounts | Enrolments |
Amount paid upfront | Related Invoice line amount including tax and discounts | Enrolments |
Loan fee | Loan fee | Enrolments |
HELP loan amount | Fee HELP requested | Enrolments |
Recognition of prior learning code | RPL Indicator | Enrolments |
Remissions reason code | Always NULL | N/A |
Updated 10 months ago