Using the onCourse Groovy scripting engine, powerful import process can be created in onCourse for either once off events or a regular data transfer between onCourse and a third party software service.
For once off type data imports, you may like to read our chapter on
migrating to onCourse.
For regular data transfers, you may like to read our chapter on externalintegrations.
Custom import processes and integration scripts can also be created on request. Please send your request to for a proposal.
Standard Imports available
onCourse AVETMISS outcome import
Using data from an import set of NAT00120, NAT00060, NAT00080 and NAT00085 file, create new students in onCourse with their existing AVETMISS file student number. Import their contact record into onCourse and update their record with their outcomes in the onCourse prior learning record.
The prior learning records are grouped by qualification, where the qualification data is supplied in the NAT00120. This import is most commonly used during system migration to import data from another AVETMISS reporting tool into onCourse. Running this import on the same data set twice will create duplicate records for each student.
onCourse AVETMISS outcome update import
Using data from an import set of NAT00120, NAT00060, NAT00080 and NAT00085 files, update existing students in onCourse with prior learning data. This process does not create new contact records, only adds prior learning data to existing contacts.
onCourse AVETMISS student import
Using a data from an import set of NAT00080 & NAT000085 files, create new student contact records in onCourse. Running this import on the same data set twice will create duplicate records for each student.
onCourse AVETMISS student update import
Using a data from an import set of NAT00080 & NAT000085 files, update existing student contact records in onCourse. This process does not create new contact records, only adds prior learning data to existing contacts.
onCourse contact CSV import
Import contact data from CSV file to create new contacts, students, tutors and/or companies in the database. Running this import on the same data set twice will create duplicate records for each student.
onCourse paymentIn CSV import
Using CSV data, import paymentIn information in order to automatically match paymentIn records with invoices.
onCourse Contact Update Subscriptions CSV import
Search for contacts based on the provided email address and update their marketing permissions in bulk.
onCourse custom field types import
allows the creation of custom fields in bulk by attaching a .txt file with data in json format (cannot be a .json file, must be .txt).
Payment In Import file set up
Please see below for the import file specification. You will need to ensure that each line in the CSV relates to an invoice, or the import will fail. To make sure this is the case, please deleted any lines in the spreadsheet that appear after the last invoice record.
Payment In Import file format
payment.invoice | payment.dateBanked | payment.amount | | payment.chequeBank | payment.chequeBranch | payment.chequeDrawer |
the onCourse invoice numbers | date the payment was banked here, in date format DD/MM/YYYY | the payment amount as numbers. Do not use dollar symbols or commas | the payment type. the name must be the same as the payment type in your onCourse database | if payment was by cheque, the bank issuing the cheque | if the payment method was by cheque, the name of the branch issuing the cheque | if the payment method was by cheque, the name of the drawer on the cheque |
12045 | 31/10/2017 | 1295.50 | other | |||
12892 | 30/10/2017 | 1000 | Cheque | Commonwealth Bank | Bendigo | A J Spencer |
Contact Update Subscriptions CSV import
This import will allow you to update, in bulk, the email, post and sms subscription preferences of a contact record, as identified by its email address. Below is an example of how your CSV file should be laid out. When you format your CSV, be sure to allow the table headers otherwise the import will fail.
Contact Subscription Update CSV format
allowEmail | allowPost | allowSms | | | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
Custom field types import
This allows you to create custom field types in bulk. The schema to use for this import should be formatted like so:
"name" : "custom field name",
"isMandatory": 1,
"choices": [
{"label":"label 1", "value":"1"},
{"label":"label 2", "value":"2"}
"fieldKey": "ishFieldKey",
"entityIdentifier": "Enrolment"
The name of the custom field
Denotes whether the field is mandatory or not
These are the list selections that will appear in the drop-down box. You can set both a label and a value.
the unique key given to the new custom field. This must be unique.
The name of the entity i.e. Enrolment, Contact, CourseClass etc.
Updated 10 months ago