VET delivery hours
This is how and where onCourse records and calculates student contact hours.
VET data in the class window
On the class window, there is a tab called VET, which contains fields that are useful for RTOs and relate to AVETMISS and other delivery statistics. There are also three AVETMISS specific fields 'Delivery mode', 'Funding source' and 'DET booking ID'.
Delivery Mode
This refers to how the class is conducted. Most programs are classroom based, and this is the default value. You can also change this at the outcome level if necessary, e.g. if one student completes the program by distance.
Funding Source
This refers to how the class is funded. These are set selection of national codes. You can also change the funding source at the outcome level, e.g. for AMEP funded students. For more information, visit the NCVER site.
DET Booking ID
This field is specific to the NSW APL report. Visit Training Market NSW for more information on reporting and lodging your data.
Information about the qualification, accredited course, skillset, modules and units of competency delivered in your class are set at the course level.
Nominal hours, classroom hours and Student Contact Hours
The following fields in the class relate to your delivery hours and AVETMISS reporting. This section has been deliberately made complex to assist our clients who are obliged to report AVETMISS for both VET delivery and non-VET delivery.
Qualification Hours
These are the nominal hours set by NCVER for the qualification. Often, this field is left blank, which is acceptable for AVETMISS. You can also add the nominal hours to the qualification yourself in the Qualification table.
Nominal Hours
The nominal hours field in the class is the total of the nominal hours of the units of competency assigned to the course. While the nominal hours for each unit are usually set by NCVER, you can override them or add them where they are missing in Module/Unit of Competency record. You can edit these values when you attach units to courses by double clicking on the unit record.
Classroom Hours
The total hours you have defined as scheduled activity by setting sessions or by defining the minutes per sessions and number of sessions. This is not reported as part of AVETMISS for real VET outcomes - it is for your information only.
Reportable Hours
These are the hours that will be reported against each enrolment in the NAT00120 file.
They default to the nominal hours of the units attached to the course. If there are no nominal hours set in the unit, i.e. in a non-VET course, the nominal and reportable hours will default to the classroom hours. You can override the reportable hours field to the classroom hours or any other number that you wish to export in its place for non-VET courses only. You can also override the reportable hours in each outcome, if they differ from the unit nominal hours.
If you have created a class which has units of competencies assigned and not set nominal hours for these units, your contact hours and reported hours for these outcomes will always be zero.
Reportable hours based on delivery hours only populate non-VET outcomes.
Student Contact Hours
This totals the reportable hours in the outcomes attached to the class. This can also be simplified to number of students x total class nominal hours for most cases, but in VET classes, some students may have different units assigned or different reportable hours for their units. SCHs are often used by funding bodies to measure delivery.
If you have not set nominal hours in the units of competency, your student contact hours will calculate to zero. If your classes' course does not have units of competency assigned to it e.g. it is a non-VET course, the student contact hours will by default equal the classroom hours x number of students, unless you override the reportable hours field in the class.
The report Class funding will provide you with summary information, per qualification, per funding code of how many student contact hours you have delivered over the classes selected for the report. This can be used to check at various points during the year, the number of hours you have delivered that compare to your funding targets.
Updated 9 months ago