Formatting text

Many places in onCourse where can enter large amounts of text to display on the website will allow you to enter "rich text". This includes web pages, course descriptions, tutor profiles, site descriptions and much more. Rich text is used for simple styling of your text, without you needing to know any HTML. The headings, fonts and bullet point styles used on your website are determined by your template and design. Anywhere you can enter rich text, you can also enter HTML, if you have these skills.

You can also enter rich text in any web page or block within the CMS when 'legacy' is selected.

Simple guide to legacy

Common formatting options

All text between the will be bold. Don’t put a space between the and the text.

The sun was *shining on the sea*

Output: The sun was shining on the sea

All text between the will be italics. Don’t put a space between the and the text.

Shining with _all its might_

Output: Shining with all its might

List - Circle
Make sure you put a space after the * on each line.

* Now this was very odd * because it was * the middle of the night


  • Now this was very odd
  • because it was
  • the middle of the night

List Number
Make sure you put a space after the # on each line.

# Now this was very odd # because it was # the middle of the night


  1. Now this was very odd
  2. because it was
  3. the middle of the night

Large Heading
Use the h1. for a large heading (you can also use h2. h3. h4. and h5. for smaller headings). Ensure you use a lower case h and full stop and space after the number. Leave a blank line of text between your heading text and the following paragraph, or all the text to follow will be rendered as a heading also.

h1. The Moon

Output: The Moon


  1. The text wrapped in the quotes becomes the hyperlink text and the url which follows is the link the user will be redirected to upon clicking.
    Output: Alice
  2. An internal hyperlink is similar, however you do not have to provide the full path name. You only need to provide the text that appears after your domain name.
    Output: Rabbit
  3. To create a mailto link, the text inside the quotes becomes the hyperlink which will open your users default mail client, followed by the email address.
    Output: Queen

For further information about rich text, please look at the Textile documentation. We use textile with some special extra additions for dynamic course content.

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