The navigation and structure of the site’s page are important to good search results.
Canonical links
Some pages in your onCourse site don’t last very long. In particular, the class pages with a URL like /class/ABC-123
will be irrelevant as soon as that class is finished. You don’t want to accumulate page rank on these pages, only for that to evaporate. onCourse automatically adds a canonical link to the correct course page, transferring any page rank and inbound links to somewhere it will do good.
Canonical links are generated for all pages:
For pages created using the editor, the canonical link is the page URL set as default
For pages of Course and Class canonical link =
For pages of Product canonical link =
For pages of Site and Room canonical link =
For pages of Tutor canonical link =
For Web static pages like canonical link =
The canonical link will also follow the rules described above if you use redirects. Example: Page: Memberships (URL = Redirect: page/tutors → page/memberships Canonical Link = (because we render Page membership)
onCourse has clean URLs which are easy for users and contribute to your SEO. All course detail and list pages contain the word "course" and you are free to create long course codes which contain useful SEO keywords. And your tag structure can be structured however you want.. For example, a URL like "/courses/business/communication" picks up several important keywords.
If you ever change URLs it is vital that you don’t lose page rank on those old pages. While you don’t need to worry about classes, tags and course pages can accumulate valuable scores and you should implement redirects to the closest new page.
Updated 6 months ago