onCourse contact types
A contact is any person or organisation your business works with in relation to running classes. There are three categories of contact in onCourse:

Figure 74. Contact Buttons to select Student, Tutor or Company
A person who has or intends on enrolling in your programs. You may need to collect AVETMISS data and will need to keep track of their enrolments, outcomes and payments.
These are the people that facilitate your classes, supervise assessments or assist your instructors. You have the ability to enter their resume or bio details to display on your website. You want to know what classes they have been scheduled to deliver and what payments you have made to them. A tutor can also be a student. If a tutor has an employed end date in the past and is no longer active, then they will be greyed out in the contact list view.
A business you may need to invoice, who may book their staff into your classes, or you may work with in partnership to deliver classes. Tutors can also be companies.
Contacts can be related to each other, e.g. employer and employee, friends, siblings, spouse, child or parent. You can manage these relationships using Relations.
Updated 10 months ago