Renewing a membership
A contact can re-purchase and renew a membership they already have at any time during their membership period, unless the membership type is set to never expire.
The renewal purchase is the same process as the original membership purchase, in checkout or via your website.
For memberships that expire on a fixed date (Jan 1, July 1), the new membership will expire on the date 12 months after their current membership expiry date. For example, if I have a membership expiring Jan 1 2023, and I renew my membership in December 2022, the expiry date will be extended to Jan 1 2024.
For memberships with a fixed set of days duration, that count is added to the previous membership expiry date. For example, if I have a 90-day membership, with 10 days remaining, and I renew my membership today, my new expiry date is 100 days in the future.
If you wish to automatically remind your members of their upcoming membership expiry and encourage them to renew their membership, you may wish to enable the onCourse default script called 'Membership notification renewal' and confirm the wording of its associated message template (also called 'Membership notification renewal') contains text appropriate for your organisation. By default, the script will send the notification 7 days before the membership is due to expire.
Updated 10 months ago