Automation blocks

There are a number of different blocks that can be used to construct an automation.

Each automation must start with a trigger block. This tells the automation how/how frequently it is run, or what should trigger the automation to run. 'Schedule' means the automation is triggered by a CRON. Other trigger types are on record creation, or record creation and edit for example. In these cases you can select an entity, or even a specific field within an entity, making it possible to trigger a automation when you check a certain checkbox, for example.

The Import block allows you to import external Java and Groovy libraries to be used in your automation. These libraries can give you access to certain methods or classes to be used in an Advanced automation block. Import block importing the Apache Common StringUtils library

The Query block allows you to retrieve records from your database. You must specify what entity type is to be returned from you query, as well as provide a name to reference the returned objects. Additionally, an AQL query can be provided to further filter down the returned objects. Querying a database to return all classes that are not cancelled and finish on the day of automation execution.

The message block allows you to set a meeage template to be sent out by the automation, or create a message within the automation itself to be emailed to a set email address. Messages sent using the latter method are not recorded to a contact or in the onCourse message window.

The report block allows you to set a report that is generated by the running of a automation. The reports to choose from in this list come from the PDF reports section of your Automation window.

The script block is where the code that drives the automation lives.

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