Setting the Student's VET Student Loan eligibility

For all students enrolled in a class where VET Student Loans are available, every participant must have additional data in their student VET section record completed, even if they are not applying for a loan.

You will need to create and record a CHESSN for each student, and complete the student’s contact details and AVETMISS questions responses as usual.

There are some additional fields in the VET section of a contact record that need to be completed if the student is applying for VET FEE-HELP. You will need to mark the checkbox called 'VET FEE-HELP eligible' for them to appear, these are:

  • Citizenship status - select an option from the drop down box

  • Tax file number - record the number provided by the student which they have obtained from the ATO

    Figure 483. VET Student Loan fields in a Contact record

    Figure 483. VET Student Loan fields in a Contact record