Class completion surveys in onCourse
The onCourse student feedback and survey tool is designed to allow student to rate your courses, venues and tutors out of five stars. In addition, the students can answer a question designed to give you a Net Promoter Score where they indicate how likely they are to recommend you to a friend and provide free-form text feedback you can use to improve your services or publish to the website as a testimonial. You can also add additional questions of your own using custom fields or delete any of the default questions should they be unwanted.
These Surveys can be set to display at set points throughout a Course, or triggered 'on demand' via a custom script. The students complete their survey response in the SkillsOnCourse portal and tutors are also able to see a feedback summary in their portal. More detailed views and reports regarding survey completion are available to admin users of the onCourse application.

Figure 200. Completed student survey
Updated 10 months ago