There are a number of ways to export your data in onCourse, however the easiest and best way is to do so directly from the Export AVETMISS 8 window.
- On the Dashboard, type 'AVETMISS' into the search and select Export AVETMISS 8
- Select the AVETMISS Flavour you wish to report. Total VET Activity will be NCVER (Standard AVETMISS).
- Select the funding courses and fee for services state training you wish to include. Not all states require you to lodge your Total VET Activity with NCVER, particularly if you already have a funding contact. The NCVER (Standard AVETMISS) Flavour is only accepted by NCVER and NT. Every other state has its own variations.
- Enter the date range for your AVETMISS data. By default, the dates will be the recent or previous calendar year.
You may also select a custom date range if you wish. Then push the Find button to run your initial query. - If you run both VET and non-VET training, you may choose to export only VET courses. Non-VET training can be exported under the AVETMISS standard as needed, by ticking the 'non VET' checkbox but for Total VET Activity Reporting it can usually be excluded.
- If running Total VET activity, do not check the option 'include all outcomes linked enrolment'.
This is used for funded training. - In the 'Started (not assessed)' section there is 'don’t require assessment' switch - this controls whether or not you are using assessment tasks to determine suitable engagement. If you wish for students to be reported as starting without assessment, then switch this on. If you are using assessment tasks in onCourse to determine engagement and wish only to report outcomes with proven engagement (the outcome has at least one assessed and graded assessment), then keep this switch off.
- In the 'Delivered' section you can optionally select to export all completed but not yet set outcomes with continuing enrolment (70) by pushing the end date forward by 7 days. This is useful if you have students who have not completed their training on time according to their original schedule. However, for Total VET Activity, these students should have completed or actually have their end dates manually moved. You can use the find related icon next to "x completed VET outcomes need a status' to open a list of the outcomes affected and modify the end date manually or set a final status if available.
- Outcomes that are still in progress will be automatically exported as 70. A count of these is provided.
- The export runner will also indicate the total number of outcomes you have selected.
- Click Export to complete.
The export will download a ZIP file containing all the generated files.

Figure 470. Review the numbers on this screen before exporting. It can help you find any issues earlier than usual
If you have activated a default or custom funding contract in onCourse, you can use this to pre-select the enrolments during export.
- On the Dashboard, type 'AVETMISS' into the search and select Export AVETMISS 8
- Select the AVETMISS Flavour for the lodgement e.g. STSOnline(NSW)
- The AVETMISS export flavour chosen will auto select all Funding contract enrolments from the contracts associated with that funding. You can tick additional checkboxes as needed. Funding Contract types are discussed further in the Funding Contracts Chapter.
- A note on non VET data: Some training contracts, like CSO include non Non-VET training courses. If you have set the Funding Source for these courses, the VET and non-VET data will be included. However, if you tick 'Non-VET' training here, you will export all your non-VET data - not just the non VET data attached to the funding source. It would be rare you want to do this.
- Enter the date range for your data. 'Commenced outcomes' is usually the preferred choice for funding contract data.
- When running a funded export, you often need to select 'include all outcomes linked by enrolment' as this collects the additional outcomes associated with the funded enrolment that may fall outside the outcome date range selected.
- You can optionally select to export all completed but not yet set outcomes with continuing enrolment (70) by pushing the end date forward by 7 days. This is useful if you have students who have not completed their training on time according to their original schedule. You can use the find related icon in the Delivered box to open a list of the outcomes affected and modify the end date manually or set a final status if available.
- Outcomes that are still in progress will be automatically exported as 70. A count of these is provided.
- The export runner will also indicate the total number of outcomes you have selected.
- Click Export to complete.
You should use the Funding Contract feature instead of this method for exporting, however if you need to export a small specific group of records, this feature may be useful.
Sometimes you may wish to export one or a select group of classes only. You can do this from the class window.
- Open the class window and run the query or filter to return the classes you wish to export
- Highlight from this list the classes you want to export
- In the cog wheel, select AVETMISS export
- Select the funding contract or requirement you are exporting for. You can choose to define a date range for the export at this point, or leave it blank. Choosing a date range will restrict to exporting the outcomes from the class that start or end between the date range. If you leave the dates field blank, all outcomes from the class will be exported. Note: Outcomes from cancelled classes or enrolments will be exported, if their outcomes were retained during the cancellation process.
- Your files will be downloaded to the browser.
You should use the Funding Contract feature instead of this method for exporting, however if you need to export a small specific group of records, this feature may be useful.
Sometimes you may wish to export one student’s enrolment only, or a selected group of enrolments. You can do this from the enrolment window.
- Open the enrolment window and run the query or filter to return the enrolments you wish to export. You can search on items like contains 'NSW Commitment ID', to find all Smart & Skilled enrolments, or Funding source - state begins with CS to find all CSD/CSR coded enrolments for the CSO program.
- Highlight from this list the enrolments you want to export
- In the cog wheel, select AVETMISS export
- Select the State or requirement you are exporting for. You can choose to define a custom date range for the export at this point, or leave it blank. Choosing a date range will restrict to exporting the outcomes from the enrolments that start or end between the date range. If you leave the dates field blank, all outcomes from the enrolments will be exported. Note: Outcomes from cancelled classes or enrolments will be exported, if their outcomes were retained during the cancellation process.
- Your files will be downloaded to the browser
Updated 9 months ago