Enrolling a student in credit or debt
To enrol a student who has debt or credit with your company means that the student (when the student is the payer) you are about to enrol owes your organisation money through unpaid or partially paid fees, or your organisation owes this student money via an onCourse credit note. To achieve one of these you would need to make sure the following:
- The student must have been previously enrolled in a class.
- The student must have accrued either credit or debt depending on their previous engagements with your organisation.
- Once trying to enrol the student, you will notice the amount either in "Apply previous credit" or "Pay previous owing" in the Payments step of Checkout.
- If the student has credit to their name, then the balance outstanding will be less than cost of the enrolment. The student may use all or some of their credit during this enrolment. If the student has insufficient credit available to cover the cost of this enrolment, they can pay the balance outstanding as per a standard enrolment.
- If the student has a debt, and your financial preferences are to pay the enrolment in full, then the default payment amount will be the total they owe. As per the previous section 'How to review a contact’s invoices', you can choose which, if any, of the outstanding invoices you wish to pay now.
- Keep in mind the outstanding balance in any Checkout will be the balance of the payer’s account. For many enrolments, the payer and student are the same person. However, if the payer is another person or company, their credit can be used to pay for another student’s enrolment.
If you are enrolling a student in more than one class, with one or both containing two different payment plans, the system will select one and apply it to the whole invoice. This is because invoices can only have one assigned payment plan.
If you absolutely must have two different payment plans, then you’ll need to run through two separate transactions.
Updated 9 months ago