Cancelling VET enrolments
Sometimes when you cancel a VET enrolment, it is because it was created in error and you want to delete all the outcomes. At other times, often when the training is funded, you want the enrolment cancelled to make another position available in the class, but have the outcomes retained for reporting purposes.
When you cancel an enrolment, by default the checkbox option retains any outcomes that have had a status set, and deletes any outcomes with a status of 'not set'.
If, at this point, no outcomes have had their status set (for example, the student was enrolled into the wrong class) then all outcomes will be deleted. However, if this was a funded enrolment and you wanted to retain all the outcomes to later mark as 'withdrawn' then you can uncheck this option.
If you are cancelling an enrolment where you have already set all the outcomes, e.g. all set to withdrawn already, leaving this option checked will delete nothing.
If you have set outcomes on an enrolment record and want them deleted, and not retained, then you will need to either set them back to 'not set' before cancelling the enrolment, or you can manually delete them from the enrolment record after processing the cancellation.
If you have created a certificate that includes outcomes from the enrolment, they will always be retained on the student’s outcome and cannot be deleted manually, even if the certificate has been revoked.

Figure 407. Cancelling an enrolment and deleting all unset outcomes
Updated 10 months ago