Special Class Functions
On the classes list view you will see a cogwheel icon on the right-hand side of the window. If you highlight one or more classes in the list and then click on the cog wheel, a drop down list will appear offering a range of different options. Some of these functions are only available through the cog wheel, while others are options that you can set in an individual class, but though the cog wheel can set for a group of classes.
Execute script
This option allows you to execute any script that is listed in the Classes entity.
Send message
This opens the Send Message window, allowing you to send an SMS or Email to students and/or tutors. Select a template from the list to populate your message, or type one of your own using the simple templates.
Create certificates
For VET classes, this will create Statements of Attainment or Qualifications for all eligible students.
For all other classes, this option will create a Certificate of Attendance for all enrolled students.
Duplicate x class
To create another instance of an existing class, the duplicate function will save you the effort of setting all the information again. Need to offer another class in a fortnight? Duplicate the class and move it forward by 14 days. You can also move a whole term of classes forward to the next term in one action. When duplicating a class with a payment plan, the payment plan structure is duplicated across as well.
These options are saved separately for each user, so the next time you have to duplicate a class the previous selections you made should be saved and carry over.
Cancel class
If a class is not viable, you can use this cogwheel function to cancel it and create credit notes for all the enrolled students. Students can’t enrol in cancelled classes.
Generate tutor pay
Use this option to create payslips for a selected group of classes.
AVETMISS 8 export
Exporting AVETMISS from the classes window allows you to export the data for one or more classes for a funding submission. A whole term or year’s worth of data can be exported from the Export window.
Bulk edit
Allows you to make select bulk edits to the selected classes. You can enable enrolments, enable the class as visible online, and add and remove tags in bulk.
Delete record
Use this option to delete a class record entirely. You can only delete one class at a time. Deleted classes cannot be recovered. You cannot delete classes that are currently live.
Updated 8 months ago